Granny Smith - APPLE
Tree:The tree has a strong and semi-upright growth habit
Fruit:The fruit is semi-large, juicy, sour and partly thick-shelled. The flesh is crisp
Pollinator:Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Fuji, Gala grubu
Harvest time:Late October
C'est une pomme de caractère à la chair ferme et sucrée à souhait. Irrésistible, elle se croque à pleines dents et elle nous comble de gourmandise.
Sous sa robe de couleur jaune blushé se cache une chair blanche et extrêmement aromatique dévoilant une saveur gourmande et très sucrée. Légèrement acidulée, on l’apprécie surtout à la croque et cuite au four.
Prix:11,00 € TTC
Harvest period: late September – early October.
Fruit colour: golden yellow color with red stripes
Taste: mildly sweet and vanilla-like, with a floral aroma, taste quality excellent.
Weight: 120-150 gr.
Uses: eat fresh, fruit salad, cooking
Transportability: very high
Storage: in cold storage – till March.
Origin: Early Red One and Erovan Hybrid.
Tree: Its trees are among the standard varieties. Develops vigorously. It is similar to Red Chief in development. Since it is close to standard varieties, it is more compatible with M9 Rootstock in dense plantings.
Fruit: Fruit is medium in size, fruit color is intense red.
Fruit Flesh: Fruit flesh is hard, sweet and juicy.
Pollinators: Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji
Harvest: It is harvested on the same date as Golden Deliciou
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